About Us


Angelo’s Italian Ice & Gelato was first created in Phoenix Arizona back in 1979. This is when Angelo Sr. opened up the largest Restaurant in Arizona (3 floors high and the largest seating capacity in the state). When he was designing his menu he realized that there were no Italian Ice or Gelato available for purchase and this was the Dessert he wanted to offer.

Naturally he started the research on how he would be able to take his 30 plus years of being a Chef and use these skills to create the finest Desserts. The education process stared with how to balance the best ingredients such as fruits, nuts, creams etc. and keeping the old tradition of 100% natural. He knocked on friends and associates doors that he had done business with back in New York that had experience in this field. He then reached out to his Cousins, Aunts and Uncles in Italy for an extended amount of research that needed to be made for the ingredients he wanted to use and share this with the Customers. His ultimate goal was to offer and educate the local market of this great treat. Angelo Sr. only offered his Italian Ice & Gelato brand inside his restaurant as a small Dessert and had refused to sell it in bulk size or on a wide scale.

Angelo felt as though the unique finishing touch of the most desirable dessert would be how he wanted his customers to remember their experience at his Restaurant and wanting to come back for more. Of course shortly after exposing his incredible dessert lines the word spread quickly. Restaurateurs, Hotels and Executive Chefs from around the Valley started asking to take on his dessert line in their establishments. His answer was a simple “No, this is for my restaurant and customers only!” Well, this lasted for a while and with much coxing he decided he would wholesale his lines.

He would first meet with the prospects and their establishments to see if it was a good fit or not and from the stories that have been shared throughout the years is that many places didn’t fit well with his brand and were refused his product line. Maybe it was because they didn’t have the proper freezers to hold his Gelato at the perfect temperature or maybe he felt as though an Asian restaurant shouldn’t be carrying an Italian product. That obviously wouldn’t be the case today. We design over 200 Gelato, Sorbet & Italian Ice flavors for all Markets to enjoy. Yes, that includes the Asian Restaurants as well, Gelato flavors include Green Tea, Mint White Chocolate and even Lychee, Mango Sorbet. Gelato just means Ice Cream in Italian.

What it should mean is made with the finest ingredients with less fat, less air (for better texture, creaminess and not as cold to the pallet). If you have never been introduced to Real Authentic Gelato, Sorbet & Italian Ice than we invite you to a new Dessert experience that we know you will feel you’ve missed out on. Looking forward to a great tasting relationship.

Contact Us

Manufacturing: 602.254.2125
1548 E. Cocopah
Phoenix, AZ 85034
Pool Party Phone: (480) 220-7352